Why We Left Everything Behind In America To Become Residents Of Portugal

Melanie Grigger
7 min readFeb 12, 2021


Well, It is really happening! After almost six months of planning, selling our dream home, getting rid of most of our belongings, and wading through what seems like endless bureaucratic red tape, we are finally leaving to pursue our dream life in Portugal! We officially leave February 5th. Now, I know that you probably have a ton of questions. So, I want to take this opportunity to answer some of those that I have been asked quite frequently during this journey so far…

One: Why Portugal?

Okay full disclosure, I watched an episode of “Somebody Feed Phil” on Netflix where he visited Lisbon, Belem and surrounding areas in Portugal during the pandemic and felt the wanderlust instantly eating away at me. I have just heard such great things about Portugal from anybody that has ever visited. Upon researching, I also found out that it is one of the safest, cheapest and sunniest countries in the world with almost 300 days of sunshine every year! The endless supply of delicious food and wine, the beautiful language, the friendly and generous culture and the proximity and accessibility to the rest of Europe was also something that swayed us towards leaving. I couldn’t see any reason not to move there and neither could my husband.

Two: Why? Just, why?

When we imagined our “dream life” the main goal was to travel the world. After purchasing a big, beautiful historical home in a small suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, my husband and I were faced with a lot of big financial decisions. To make the home what we wanted it to be, we would need to spend a lot of money. The upkeep on it alone was a lot of work, especially with two little boys under the age of three. That coupled with a tornado ripping right through our neighborhood, the fact that the weather in Ohio leaves much to be desired a majority of the year, and that the town lacked diversity and accessibility, and the ongoing political turmoil of our government all lead to our ultimate decision.

I started making a list of “dream travel locations”. After much deliberation, we decided that we refused to wait for retirement to see the world. It is also vital that our kids be cultured and that we share the experience of seeing the world through their eyes. When you realize that tomorrow is never guaranteed, there’s no better time to start living your life than now. Especially when your oldest child is only three years old. He won’t remember to hate us, right? We realized our list of reasons to go was much longer than our list of reasons to stay. Granted, it was the most difficult decision we have ever made, proceeded by a host of other difficulties which I’ll touch on in a later post. Despite it being one of the most labor intensive bureaucratic processes we have ever attempted, in the end we know that experience is priceless and that it will all be well worth it. Plus, if you know me, you know how tenacious I am. When my mind is made up, I will make it happen!

Three: Have you ever been there?

Nope! Neither my husband nor I have ever even been to Europe. I can tell you I love exploring new cities with him, though. After exploring Mexico with a friend and his local partner, we eloped in New Orleans before ever having been there. We fell in love instantly. It is the closest, I believe, that one can come to being in Europe while in the U.S. I’ll update you on that soon, though! We chose New Orleans for the vibrant, welcoming culture and vast food experiences. We were never disappointed.

Four: Do you know where you’re going to live?

Nah. We only have a hotel booked for two nights in Lisbon as of two days before departure. We didn’t want to lose a deposit on a month long AirBnB just incase covid-19 prevents any entry complications. Right now the plan is to spend two nights in Lisbon and then rent a car and drive about 3 hours North to Porto. We then have to appear at an immigrations appointment in April. For this appointment we must have proof of long term accommodation. AKA a one/two year lease. Our plan is to start searching for an apartment immediately. We chose Porto due to the close proximity to wine country (Douro wines, I’m coming for you) and that it is a cheaper city with just as much history but less congestion than Lisbon. Unless, that is, we ultimately end up falling in love with Lisbon in the two days we are there.

Five: Where have you been living since you sold your home? Are you homeless?

As I mentioned earlier, we sold our home to afford us this adventure. I am fortunate to have one of the most generous people I’ve ever met as a best friend (well, just one of many generous bffs). She welcomed us stay on the third floor of her beautiful, historical home in Akron, Ohio until we completed the arduous visa process. She was always kind, accommodating and fun. As a badass neurosurgeon, she taught me true motivation, the importance of generosity and how to make a mean Vesper Martini. I am basically James Bond now, minus any of the tactical skills, of course. Okay well maybe I just share the affinity for a strong Vodka martini.

I am so grateful to have spent so much quality time with a great friend during a pandemic. My generous and kind in-laws were also nice enough to let us stay with them for the week before our departure. I can’t thank them and my wonderful parents for spending time with the kids so that we could get everything ready. I know it is going to be so hard for us all to live so far from them. I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Six: What do you do to allow you this kind of freedom?

In September, after attending college for computer programming, I attended a coding bootcamp so that I could fast track my web development career. After learning web development, I started freelancing my services to small businesses making simple websites using WordPress.

The process of starting a freelance business is obviously time consuming and sometimes stressful and it takes time to build a solid clientele. I started networking with digital nomads on Facebook and meetups(virtual) while looking for information on being an expat. I do love me some networking! After talking with a few people that were already living the dream life in places like Cancun, Belize, Bali and Southeast Asia, I was introduced to Elevate.

Elevate is a course that taught me everything I needed to know about gaining financial, time and location freedom and independence through passive income (we call it the Golden Lifestyle Business, it’s that great). Passive income is the way to go. Why? Because once you put in the initial effort, you and generate income even when you aren’t working. This is how bloggers and online marketers, even influencers make a majority of their income.

If you want to know more about how we managed our lifestyle change, or try it out for yourself, checkout the masterclass here! Really, anybody can do it!

Seven: What do your parents think?

IDK you’ll have to ask them. Just kidding. They love us. They want us to be happy. But, they will miss us and we will miss them. My parents were both in the military and were well traveled and cultured. I grew up hearing my mom’s stories of living in Spain, Okinawa, Germany, Guam and even Kansas. My dad often traveled for work and brought us pictures and souvenirs from Belgium, Germany and Jerusalem just to name a few. They understand the enrichment that travel and seeing the world can bring and never hesitated to share their eclectic stories with us. I always sat and listened in envy. But, they are parents and grandparents still. They are worried, scared, nervous and I’m sure a bit excited for us. As any truly loving parents do, they’ll love us from near or far and miss us like hell. Though I am very grateful to live in an era where we can easily connect with family and friends back home.

Well, I think that about sums it up. Will we miss family? YES! Our hearts already ache and we haven’t even left yet. Nothing can put into words the difficulty of an indefinite goodbye. The difficult goodbyes and tears are met with our excitement of not knowing what adventures we will have and all of the interesting people we have yet to meet. Here’s to hoping time will quickly pass until we see our loved ones again. As my also well traveled Grandfather said, “The world is your oyster. It’s up to you to go find pearl.” I can’t wait to update ya’ll when we arrive in Lisbon! What else do would you like to know? Please leave any questions in the comments below! Until then, be well, Darlings. xo



Melanie Grigger

Software Developer with a passion for food and an insatiable wanderlust. Showing up authentically, without apologies. xo